Planning Applications
Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
The approval of details reserved by condition 8 (Details Of Services) relating to planning permission reference 22/00497/LBC
The Old School
Main Street
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8AN
Certificate of lawful proposed development for the conversion of integral garage into habitable living accommodation
4 Saxon Close
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8LS
Erection of 1 no. self build dwelling (outline - access and layout only)
Land Adjoining 20
Worthington Lane
Breedon On The Hill
Works to fell 2no Poplar Trees, 1no Elder Tree and 1no Sycamore Tree (Unprotected tree in a conservation area)
3 Stud Farm Close
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8BP
Amendments to conditions 2, 8 and 18 of planning permission 23/01226/FUL which was for the Erection of single storey dwelling including solar panels and air source heat pump to incorporate design changes, new fence and revised parking position
23 The Crescent
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8AY
The erection of 18 dwellings (100% affordable housing), access, landscaping and associated works
Land To The North Of Southworth Road
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8LU
The approval of details reserved by conditions 10 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 12 (Surface Water Scheme Maintenance) and 16 (Finished Floor And Ground Levels) relating to planning permission reference 24/00197/FUL
Land At Former Priory Nursery Garden Centre
Ashby Road
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8AZ
The approval of details reserved by condition 19 (Bat And Bird Box Locations) relating to planning permission reference 24/00197/FUL
Land At Former Priory Nursery Garden Centre
Ashby Road
Breedon On The Hill
DE73 8AZ
Works to 1no mixed group of Conifer and Hazel Trees (Unprotected trees in a conservation area)
The Bulls Head
Main Street
DE73 8AE
The approval of details reserved by condition 3 (Materials) relating to planning permission ref: 24/00535/FUL
Casa Chiquita
Short Hill
DE73 8AF
Internal alterations to facilitate the use of the building as a dwelling
Worthington Methodist Church
Main Street
Change of use of Methodist church to a single residential dwelling (resubmission following withdrawal of 23/00413/FUL)
Worthington Methodist Church
Main Street
LE65 1RP
Change of use of agricultural land to leisure/tourism for 10 No. touring caravans and 4 No. camping pitches with associated works and landscaping
Top Merrill Grange
Mill Lane
LE12 9UJ