19th January 2025

Search Breedon on the Hill Parish Council

Serving the people of Breedon on the Hill, Tonge and Wilson

Letter from Councillor Simon Jones to Mr Crossland

First I will attempt to identify the reasons for the flood. 1) Run off from A42 piped to Breedon Brook near Lodge Farm 2) Run off from Burney Lane 3) Run off from Wheatleys farm 4) Run off from Golf course and former garden centre 5) Run off from Southworth close 6) Run off from Loveys Croft 7) Run off from Melbourne Lane 8) Run off from the Crescent and Hastings Close 9) Run off from Brookside Paddock 10) Run off from Pear tree close 11) Run off from Cross street 12) Run off from Worthington Lane.

All the rain water from the above areas was trying to get into the drainage system on Main Street or into the stream along the side of Main Street. There were two issues here, one is that at least two of the gullies were blocked, the second is that the stream was full and overflowing because of inadequate downstream culverts being blocked by debris brought down by the massive flow of water.

Secondly Possible solutions There is an urgent need for attenuation ponds and possible sites are, the corner of Burney Lane where there is already a small pond which could be enlarged, the current duck ponds at Breedon Garden centre, which could be enlarged. Our flood warden, Dave Camp, has already had talks with Mr David Shields who is open to suggestions about how we progress. Finally the village green, formerly known as the Fishponds, could be reprofiled to a bowl shape catching some of the water coming off the hill down Melbourne Lane.

Furthermore all the culverts need investigation to see if they can be enlarged, it is clear from walking the stream that the culverts are a substantial part of the problem. Particularly the one where the stream crosses Worthington Lane. Some years ago Worthington Lane had a ford where the stream crossed, this was eventually piped but the work has hindered the path of the water resulting in a flooding problem.

I have taken photographs, where I can, of the culverts along the stream unfortunately some are not accessible to me. I will email them to our clerk and to Phil Crossland who may be able to use them in his report.

One issue that is of concern is that the field on the opposite side of the stream from Saxon Close was covered in water this served as an attenuation pond and should be protected as such. The culvert running out of the field was, and probably still is, partially blocked so the water was impeded in its flow...

Last updated: Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:28