9th February 2025

Search Breedon on the Hill Parish Council

Serving the people of Breedon on the Hill, Tonge and Wilson

Email Response from LCC

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your email to Nick Rushton regarding the recent flooding event in Breedon on the Hill. Mr Rushton has asked that I update you on the action that the County Council will be taking as a result of these events.

As Lead Local Flood Authority we have a duty to investigate flooding incidents where it is deemed appropriate and as such we are investigating this and a number of other incidents that have occurred during the recent periods of intense rainfall that Leicestershire and many other parts of the Country.

Flood investigation officers have already been out to start their investigations. A multiagency meeting with the various risk management authorities (including the County Council and Severn Trent Water) has been arranged to discuss flooding and possible solutions within North West Leicestershire, including Breedon on the Hill. This meeting, and possible further site investigations will determine subsequent interventions as appropriate. I anticipate the outcome from this meeting and the subsequent investigations will be known in around three months' time. Hopefully we will be in a position to bring the results of this investigation to the Parish Councils September meeting and officers will liaise with the Parish Clerk regarding this.

I am sorry to hear of your frustration about drain maintenance. Drains / gullies in Breedon on the Hill were due to be cleansed throughout May but unfortunately our entire maintenance schedule is a little behind due to the flooding events of March and earlier this month. The next planned schedule of gully cleansing is due in July. However, as a result of the recent flooding event, additional reactive maintenance works has been carried out. The investigation will consider maintenance of all related drainage infrastructure both that which is publicly maintained and that which is privately maintained.

The information you have mentioned about likely flood causes (such as the golf course, Wheatley Farm and the A42) will assist the investigations. I'm not clear as to whether the colleagues you mention are my flood investigation officers but if they have not spoken with you already, they will be in touch in due course to better understand these observed events.

Of course, any information you can send in will help, and I recommend that anyone in the parish can send information direct to flooding@leics.gov.uk I know that my flood investigation officers have handed 'flood reporting forms' to some residents, and that information on these recent events is beginning to arrive, but the more information the better.

Yours Sincerely

Phil Crossland

Director of Environment and Transport

Last updated: Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:29