19th January 2025

Search Breedon on the Hill Parish Council

Serving the people of Breedon on the Hill, Tonge and Wilson


Letter from Breedon PC to Development Control at NWLDC Planning...

Wednesday 13th July 2016

To whom it may concern,

In light of recent flooding events in Breedon on the Hill, the Parish Council, in considering future applications for development within the parish would like to see additional information provided by applicants in order to demonstrate mitigation of potential flooding caused by any future weather events.

Whilst applicants for new development are required to provide the local authority with full details under the SuDS regulations, the Parish Council would like to see that the information provided by applicants is subject to external and independent scrutiny to verify any calculations provided as part of an application. We also consider that the costs of preparing an independent report should be met by the applicant. This course of action would serve to reassure parishioners generally and is essential for those homeowners recently inundated.

As you will be aware, the current requirements under SuDS regulations do not really adequately address conditions of extreme run-off, and whilst they provide a starting point the conditions here at Breedon on the Hill mean that we do not have the capacity to accept any additional waters in the stream.

Without wishing to prejudge the outcome of the current investigation being undertaken into the recent flooding, it is very clear that the capacity of the stream here in Breedon is physically restricted and constrained in many places downstream and therefore any additional run-off can only exacerbate the situation upstream. Any attenuation measures must allow for unusual circumstances as the frequency of extreme weather events is undoubtedly increasing.

The Parish has already put forward objections to the current application under consideration in the Worthington Lane and in addition to those earlier objections it is essential that the foregoing is addressed in respect of this application and of course for any future development applications.

We look forward to your confirmation of the foregoing.

Samantha Lockwood Clerk to Breedon on the Hill Parish Council

Last updated: Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:27